Here's where Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas (cartoonist-types in middle-Alabama) can post some art, discuss collaborations, and just keep each other informed on their own projects.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
just a little something...
...that's been noodling around in my head for a while. i hope to get back to it eventually and flesh out the characters and do an online strip or something. just not enough time in the week...
Salty 'Ham, as in BirmingHAM, Alabama. Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas are cartoonists based in the upper-middle section of Alabama. To learn about our members and see a bunch of their work, go to
What is that? A Samurai penguin?
Looks like an enjoyable world. I like the girl's face in the upper left.
a samurai seagull.
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