Thursday, November 13, 2008

Random Showcase - Brian Hamner

I think, to keep this blog alive, I'll sometimes do a random showcase, highlighting the work of a Salty 'Ham Cartooneesta. So today, let's look at some stuff by Brian Hamner.

Brian's primarily a fantasy artist, and not a cartoonist (as far as I know). So why is he a Salty 'Ham Cartooneesta? Well, for the purposes of SHC membership, I have a broad definition of cartoonist. Let's say a cartoonist is someone who uses unrealistic exaggerations and juxtapositions in his or her drawings. So that includes Brian.

Plus, the talents of a fantasy book artist and a wacky cartoonist can totally overlap. After all, look at Frank Frazetta (awesomest fantasy artist of all time). He drew some really kick-ass funny animal comics. (click here to see some)

Anyway, back to Brian:

Here's a guy leading his giant horned toad around some old ruins. Cool!

And here's a real crazy one. I like this color scheme. All grays, with just a twinge of yellow in the hair, plus BRIGHT blue cables. Or are they tubes? And is she being tortured, or might she be enjoying this arrangement? I guess I'll have to read the book.

I like how the wires are neatly coiled up on the left side, there. When hooking a young lady up to a giant machine, we have to be careful not to get our extension cords all tangled up.

Rock On, Brian Hamner!

1 comment:

WeezeL365 said...

When hooking a young lady up to a giant machine, we have to be careful not to get our extension cords all tangled up.

Hahaha, yes, that's one of the first lessons I learned when watching HEAVY METAL too.