Here's where Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas (cartoonist-types in middle-Alabama) can post some art, discuss collaborations, and just keep each other informed on their own projects.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Introducing Scotty White! . . . of Rainbow City, Alabama. I met him at ARTWALK, and he's already joined up. His slogan is, "Underachievement in Fine Art," but I tend to disagree. It seems to me like he's achieving some actual achievement.
Salty 'Ham, as in BirmingHAM, Alabama. Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas are cartoonists based in the upper-middle section of Alabama. To learn about our members and see a bunch of their work, go to
If he's underachieving than it doesn't bode well for me.. welcome to the site.
I met Scotty at the Bluff Park Art Show (Always the first Saturday of October). He has some really nice stuff going on there.
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