Sunday, January 15, 2012

LΔZYDΔWG - Warped Cream

Some good friends have a label called Step Pepper Records, an independent music outlet based in Birmingham. They give away tons of FREE music on their website, so check it out if you're into instrumental beats, mixtapes, and overall weirdness.

I made a quick 3D promo for the artist LΔZYDΔWG (whose album Warped Cream can be downloaded HERE for free) and thought I'd share. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Massive Art Sale !!!!!

This came from our fellow SHC Scotty White:

Hello Everyone.
I'm cleaning out the dungeon. Check out the available paintings page at  Making space for new projects. Looking forward to an art filled 2012. Sick ideas are on the horizon. Make an offer .. Sale prices good through February.

Later on,