I just discovered Peter Bagge's 'Hate' comic a few days ago. How I've missed this comic for so long, I dunno. Maybe I drank too much NyQil back in the early 90's and just woke up last weekend. Maybe that'll explain it, but whatever. I really like this indie comic. The art isn't so awesome that it will make you go 'Holy Moses! I'm ca-ca-ca-crappin' my paaaaaants!!!' but it's a really unique, fun style that goes well with the " 90's, Seattle slacker " stories that grace it's pages. I love the flow of the comic and how the protagonists aren't really great people and how they're actually kinda crummy human beings, and how you don't have this 'cheesy, fluffy Full House endings' to every story. The comics that I've read thus far, are essentially about sh*tty people with sh*tty lives who are kinda hopeless. Just like real life! Anyway, after reading a few issues, I realized this is how I've wanted to do an indie comic, but I just never knew it. So hopefully, my uber-ADD and giant lazy streak won't keep me from actually cranking out a decent short story like the ones you'd find in 'Hate' pretty soon.