Here's where Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas (cartoonist-types in middle-Alabama) can post some art, discuss collaborations, and just keep each other informed on their own projects.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Because no one asked for it... more Sock and Hammer!
Salty 'Ham, as in BirmingHAM, Alabama. Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas are cartoonists based in the upper-middle section of Alabama. To learn about our members and see a bunch of their work, go to
I like the colors in this. And I like the idea of shooting cupcakes from one's eyes. (Of course a hammer doesn't have eyes, so . . . ?)
I like the lettering design and the cartoony style. Doesn't seem to be much happening, but maybe that's the point..
the cupcake is awesome. i giggled.
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