Friday, March 13, 2009

new illustration

salty ham friends --

i'm excited to (finally!) find some time to post. life has been busy with the arrival of the baby just a few weeks ago! feel free to check out my wife's blog here for a few pictures and updates on her etsy projects.

so, i wanted to share the news with everyone, as well as one my recent pieces:

i've also been busy with a couple of projects for sire press -- images of those designs will be posted soon on their site.

i've been playing with new illustrations, but no outlet for them really -- if anyone has some ideas, i'd love to hear it, and i'll try and post those sketches soon.


Chris_Garrison said...

Isaiah is totally the dickens! When he gets to be about 10, I think you should start addressing him as "Ike."

That's a beautiful piece you posted here. What are those thingies coming out behind her back? Is this like the sweet, innocent version of tentacle porn?

Shoot us another quick update when sire press puts some stuff online, will you? Doesn't have to be fancy, just link it.

What to do with errant illustrations? Make them into fine art, I guess, so maybe you can sell them without having to write and publish a book. Or turn them into mugs or T-shirts or graffiti murals. If you have 12, maybe you could make a calendar. Or what if you took an old book that's in the public domain, and made a version with your illustrations in place of the original illustrations? Which would be kooky, because your drawings would have nothing to do with the corresponding story.

Or you could make a print-on-demand comic, with your illustrations on a few pages, and cartoons and comics solicited from other Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas on the rest of the pages!

jamison said...

chris, as always you never fail to inspire. thanks ever so much for the kind words. i really do want to make more time for my illustrations so i plan to be more active here in the future. i'll be mulling over the slew of ideas you've poured out here with ole ike.


fason is a dork. said...

that is fantastic!