Friday, July 24, 2009

Ptooey and Loogie - The Mommy of All Hiccups

As I told y'all before, my college chum Cheese Hasselberger publishes House of Twelve comics. He said I could contribute something to their upcoming kids' anthology, so I started work on a 4-page Ptooey and Loogie story. And now I'm finally done!

I said before that I might change the gags in the first half of page 2, and now you can see that I did (just compare this to the rough pencil version).

So, what do y'all think? Constructive criticism is welcome.


Tim Rocks said...

The grayscale adds a lot of clarity and panache I think-- wise choice to leave a lot of white areas and just touches of gray.

Now I'm curious to see how it looks side by side with other comics...

Chris_Garrison said...

Tim - thanks! Leaving a lot of white was a combination of wisdom and laziness. For some reason, I figured having only 2 main gray tones, instead of a full range, would be fitting.

It's such a silly world, I really think it'd be great to see it finished in color. The hiccups could be bubblegum pink. Maybe someday I'll get around to coloring it.

And yeah, I'm interested to see how it stands up along side the other stories in the book.