Here's where Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas (cartoonist-types in middle-Alabama) can post some art, discuss collaborations, and just keep each other informed on their own projects.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Salty 'Ham Slam Reminder
Hey, everybody! Don't forget about this Sunday's highly anticipated get-together of the Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas! It's on August 2nd, at the J again, from 2 - 5. Expect to see a few new faces, a few old faces, and a few weird faces. For details (and more of my thoughts on the event), check the Slam section of the SHC page, HERE.
Salty 'Ham, as in BirmingHAM, Alabama. Salty 'Ham Cartooneestas are cartoonists based in the upper-middle section of Alabama. To learn about our members and see a bunch of their work, go to
I hear our fellow SHC Marcus Lusk might be there this time.
Kirk Creel will bring the M&M's again.
Christopher Davis has a prior engagement from 1 - 4, but hopes to drop in for the last hour. So stick around for that!
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